Occupancy Weights Derivation Rules
This feature enables the derivation of occupancy rates for various room types based on a specified base rate. For instance, if a room can accommodate 4 adults and the user sets the first adult as the base rate in the room setup screen, the other occupancy rates will be derived from the base occupancy according to the weights specified as shown in the following page.
Users have the ability to establish rules for deriving occupancy rates that are specific to certain date ranges, which run parallel to the default weights assigned to each room. These customized occupancy weights can be edited or deleted as per the user's requirements.
In addition, the user can view the occupancies created for specific date ranges through a dropdown menu, as illustrated below. After completing the setup, please remember to save the changes and push the rates . If rates have already been set for the base occupancy previous to weights setup, you can use the "Recalculate" button to derive the occupancy-based rates.