Promo Code Promotion
The Promo Code feature enables users to create promotions where discount percentage can be defined. The user also need to create one or multiple Promo code and offers them to their privileged customers to avail the discounted rates on bookings. This category of promotion can be applied to either specific or all room and rate plans, and can be further customized to restrict the booking window to a certain date range or on all future dates. To qualify for the promotion, bookers must book a stay within a pre-defined date range and also book the minimum number of nights as pre defined by user in this section.
The user has the ability to specify whether the promotion is applicable to all bookers or limited to only members. Lastly, the user also has the option to define the promotion only for days of a week.
The bookers can apply the promo code in the booking engine to avail the discount as shown in the screenshot below.