ARI Exceptions

Here is a step-by-Step user manual on how to access ARI Updates and Exceptions in RateTiger.

After logging into your RateTiger account, begin by locating the "ARI Updates" widget in the main dashboard.

Within the "ARI Updates" widget, you will encounter three distinct Exception statuses, each accompanied by its respective count of updates. These statuses are:

  1. Pending
  2. Failed
  3. Success

To access more detailed information, you have two options:

  • Click on the "ARI Updates" widget itself.
  • Alternatively, select any of the specific Exception statuses mentioned above.

  • Clicking on any of the above mentioned fields will redirect you to the Landing Page, which is the Summary page, as depicted in the provided screenshot.

Within the Summary Page, you can distinguish between Property, Channel and Revenue Rules updates. Here, you will find the below details, including:

  • Update ID
  • Source of update
  • User of the update
  • Update timestamp
  • Updated date ranges
  • Status of the update

To explore further details about a specific update, click on the hyperlinks labeled "Property Update" or "Channel Update or Revenue Rules."

Clicking on Property Update will take you to a dedicated update page where you can view:

  • The associated PMS room and rate plan
  • Timestamp of the update
  • Updated parameter
  • Date for which the update was made
  • Information about the old and new values

You can also search specific details using the Search boxes against each field.

To navigate back to the Summary or Failed Updates pages, simply use the provided options within the update page.

If you wish to access Channel Updates separately, you have two options:

  • Click on the "Channel Update" link on the Summary page.
  • Alternatively, click on the "Channel View" option located at the top right-hand corner of the page.

Within the Channel Update section, you can view comprehensive details, including:

  • The specific channel for which the update was made
  • Channel product updated
  • The timestamp indicating when the update occurred
  • Information regarding the updated parameter
  • The date for which the parameter update was executed
  • The submitted value for updates

Additionally, this page offers Status information, indicating whether the update was successful or if it encountered a failure.

Clicking on Revenue Rules shall open a pop up to view all updates made through BAR changes.

  • To focus exclusively on failed updates, click on the "Failed" option located beside the "Summary" tab. This will open the Failed Updates page.
  • Within the Failed Updates page, you can filter data based on criteria such as:
    • Updated ID
    • Channel
    • Update date (default selected as current date)
    • Room type
    • Rate Plan
    • Parameter
    • Error Type
  • To apply your chosen filters, click on "Apply Changes."

If you wish to remove the selected options from the input fields to Filter , please click on "Clear Selections".

To view more details, please Click on "Load more" as shown in screenshot below.


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