Auto Replenishment Feature

This feature allows users to auto replenish their rooms when the room availability reaches zero.

The user can only enable it if the auto stop sell feature is not enabled.

Once the user enabled this feature, in cases where the room availability has reached zero and then a cancellation arrives into the system, the system will auto replenish the availability .

Auto Replenishment basically defines if availability should increase or not in case of cancellations when the availability for a specific room type is zero.

Auto Replenishment OFF : when availability is zero and you get cancellation , availability would remain zero.

Auto Replenishment ON : when availability is zero and you get cancellation , availability would increase by the number of cancelled rooms.

Note : Auto Replenishment button will only be visible if the Auto stop sell feature is switched OFF for your property .

To know more, please click on Auto Stop sell

  1. To set up the functionality, start by accessing the Settings located at the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click on Advanced settings.
  3. In the Advanced tab, you will be directed to the Auto Replenishment feature.
  4. If you want the aforementioned functionality to be active for your property, toggle the switch to the "on" position.
  5. Finally, remember to save the changes by clicking on the Save button.
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